Print the 6 first lines of the R-built-in data.frame trees
Print only the column names
What is the dimension of trees?
Plot the trees height and volume as a function of their girth in two different graphs. Make sure the axis labels are clear
In each graph, add a red dashed line corresponding to the relevant correlation that you observe (average value, linear correlation…)
Explain your choice and write the corresponding values (average value and standard deviation, or slope, intercept and corresponding errors). Round the values to 2 decimals.
The average height is 76 with standard deviation 6.37.
The volume evolves with a slope 5.07 ± 0.25 and intercept -36.94 ± 3.37.
Exercise 2
Print the 3 first lines of the R-built-in data.frame USArrests. This data set contains statistics about violent crime rates by US state. The numbers are given per 100 000 inhabitants, except for UrbanPop which is a percentage.
What is the average murder rate in the whole country?
What is the state with the highest assault rate?
Create a subset of USArrests gathering the data for states with an urban population above (including) 80%.
How many states does that correspond to?
Within these states, what is the state with the smallest rape rate?
Print this subset ordered by decreasing urban population.
Print this subset ordered by decreasing urban population and increasing murder rate.
Plot an histogram of the percentage of urban population with a binning of 5%. Add a vertical red line marking the average value. Make sure the x axis shows the [0,100] range.
Is there a correlation between the percentage of urban population and the various violent crime rates? argument your answer with plots.
No clear correlation appears.
Source Code
---title : "R Exercises - Basic stuff"format: html: toc : true theme : cosmo page-layout : full linkcolor : "#3d54cb" code-link : true code-tools : true code-copy : true code-block-border-left: true code-block-bg : true self-contained : trueparams: solution: falseexecute: warning: false message: false cache: false---```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.align="center"}xfun::embed_file("./", text = "Download data files")```----# Exercise 1- Print the 6 first lines of the R-built-in data.frame `trees````{r include=params$solution}head(trees,6)```- Print only the column names```{r include=params$solution}names(trees)```- What is the dimension of `trees`?```{r include=params$solution}dim(trees)```- Plot the trees height and volume as a function of their girth in two different graphs. Make sure the axis labels are clear- In each graph, add a red dashed line corresponding to the relevant correlation that you observe (average value, linear correlation...)```{r include=params$solution}# base R solutionplot(trees$Girth, trees$Height, xlab='Girth', ylab='Height')abline(col='red',lty=2,h=mean(trees$Height))plot(trees$Girth, trees$Volume, xlab='Girth', ylab='Volume')fit <- lm(trees$Volume~trees$Girth)abline(col='red',lty=2, coef(fit))# ggplot solutionlibrary(ggplot2)library(tidyverse)theme_set(theme_bw())ggplot(data=trees, aes(Girth, Height))+ geom_point()+geom_hline(col='red',yintercept=mean(trees$Height),lty=2)ggplot(data=trees, aes(Girth, Volume))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(col='red',method="lm",lty=2)```- Explain your choice and write the corresponding values (average value and standard deviation, or slope, intercept and corresponding errors). Round the values to 2 decimals.The average height is `r mean(trees$Height)` with standard deviation `r round(sd(trees$Height),2)`.The volume evolves with a slope `r round(coef(fit)[2],2)` ± `r round(summary(fit)$coef[2,'Std. Error'],2)` and intercept `r round(coef(fit)[1],2)` ± `r round(summary(fit)$coef[1,'Std. Error'],2)`.-------# Exercise 2 - Print the 3 first lines of the R-built-in data.frame `USArrests`. This data set contains statistics about violent crime rates by US state. The numbers are given per 100 000 inhabitants, except for `UrbanPop` which is a percentage.```{r include=params$solution}head(USArrests,3)```- What is the average murder rate in the whole country?```{r include=params$solution}mean(USArrests$Murder)```- What is the state with the highest assault rate?```{r include=params$solution}row.names(USArrests)[which.max(USArrests$Assault)]```- Create a subset of `USArrests` gathering the data for states with an urban population above (including) 80%.```{r include=params$solution}USArrests80 <- subset(USArrests, UrbanPop>=80)# orlibrary(tidyverse)USArrests80 <- USArrests |> filter(UrbanPop>=80)```- How many states does that correspond to?```{r include=params$solution}nrow(USArrests80)```- Within these states, what is the state with the smallest rape rate?```{r include=params$solution}row.names(USArrests80)[which.min(USArrests80$Rape)]```- Print this subset ordered by decreasing urban population.```{r include=params$solution}USArrests80[order(-USArrests80$UrbanPop),]```- Print this subset ordered by decreasing urban population and increasing murder rate.```{r include=params$solution}USArrests80[order(-USArrests80$UrbanPop, USArrests80$Murder),]```- Plot an histogram of the percentage of urban population with a binning of 5%. Add a vertical red line marking the average value. Make sure the x axis shows the [0,100] range.```{r include=params$solution}hist(USArrests$UrbanPop, breaks=seq(0,100,5))abline(v=mean(USArrests$UrbanPop), col='red', lwd=3)# ggplot solutionlibrary(ggplot2)library(tidyverse)theme_set(theme_bw())ggplot(data=USArrests, aes(x=UrbanPop))+ geom_histogram(breaks=seq(0,100,5),color="black", alpha=.2)+ geom_vline(xintercept = mean(USArrests$UrbanPop), col='red')```- Is there a correlation between the percentage of urban population and the various violent crime rates? argument your answer with plots.```{r include=params$solution}par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(4,4,1,1))plot(USArrests$UrbanPop,USArrests$Murder, pch=16)plot(USArrests$UrbanPop,USArrests$Assault, pch=16)plot(USArrests$UrbanPop,USArrests$Rape, pch=16)``````{r include=params$solution}library(ggplot2)theme_set(theme_bw())p1 <- ggplot(data=USArrests, aes(x=UrbanPop, y=Murder))+geom_point()p2 <- ggplot(data=USArrests, aes(x=UrbanPop, y=Assault))+geom_point()p3 <- ggplot(data=USArrests, aes(x=UrbanPop, y=Rape))+geom_point()library(patchwork)p1+p2+p3```No clear correlation appears.